We are thrilled to welcome scientist, scholar, lawyer and POLE DANCER Robin De Meyere to Body & Pole this month! One of the UK’s top exotic flow dancers, Robin brings his unique scientific approach to pole dancing, focusing on intricate flows, heels base and edge-work, spinny pole and frame-up. Robin has won international titles, judged worlds championships at the IPSF and Exotic Generation and has modeled for X-Pole and The Pole Bible. Lawyer and aerospace engineer by day, Robin also co-runs his own space, Cobalt Flame, in the heart of London and regularly performs as a frame-up UK company dancer.
Join Robin for level 1 and level 2+ classes like Introduction to Calisthentics, Nimble Flow and Pole Handstands during his residency this month from May 14 – May 17. Book your spot here!
- Welcome! We are thrilled to host you at Body & Pole this month. You’re a true renaissance man – lawyer, aerospace engineer, and pole dancer! Can you tell us a little bit about your background? I have a PhD in aerospace engineering from Oxford but I converted to law afterwards because I wanted to be the perfect Asian child (i.e. I could not pick between the engineer, doctor or lawyer my mother wanted me to become). I also come from 6 different countries because I was born in Japan to a Taiwanese mom and a Belgian dad, raised in Hong Kong at the French school, and educated in the UK, but working for a German law firm!
- How did you get into pole dancing? Did you have a dance background? I got into pole dancing 11 years ago when I chose to pursue undergrad at Imperial College in London! Prior to that, I had absolutely zero dance or sports experience (I hated anything fitness), to a point where I had a BMI of 11!
- You are quite the world traveler — what brings you to the US this month? I am coming for a law conference in Atlanta and decided to pass by Boston and NYC because it’s been so long since my last visit to both 🙂
- How did you connect with Body & Pole? I visited B&P for the first time some 8 years ago in 2016 when I was doing my masters at MIT and took a class from Lara Michaels. Prior to that I was in NYC in 2012 when studying at Columbia but I had no knowledge of pole at the time.
- Can you tell us a bit about your teaching style and what inspires you? My teaching style is very scientific in its pedagogy – I like to break things down just like I did my experiments during my PhD! I also believe strongly in learning by mistake so I strongly encourage my students to take classes outside their comfort zones and levels. I get a lot of inspiration from heels dancers all over the world, but my strongest inspirations are actually those closest to home (my 5 studio co-founders from Cobalt Flame)
- What can Body & Pole students expect to learn from your classes? A lot of more intricate and complex low-flow transitions and a sense of sharpening accents in the music!