

I often hear lamenting about the lack of space for creative, non-judgmental places, made specifically for the enjoyment of pole and aerials arts. The pole and aerial world is filled with competitions, which provide incredible incentive to push yourself, to train harder and land those tricks. But what about the other folks, the folks who learn aerial and pole not to compete, but for the artistry sake of it? Places exist, but there’s much fewer of them, and they’re not usually accessible for people who aren’t in the higher levels.

That’s the beauty of the first ever Body & Pole Showcase; it’s open for everyone to perform in, instructors and students. This, along with my other group members, will be our first time ever performing aerial and pole. I suspect many of the other first-time performers are also grateful to ease their way into performing via this showcase. We all know, especially the newbies, that we will be surrounded by people we know, trust, and love.

Kelly McLaughlin, an instructor at the studio and organizer of the entire event, has spent much time and energy to create an experience like no other. This show will composed of unconditional love for pole and aerial arts, from pros to newbies, all who share a passion for this type of movement.

There are two showtimes; one is at 7:00 PM (with doors opening at 6:00 PM) and the other 10:00 (with doors opening at 9:00 PM). Come soar with us.