We’re thrilled to announce our next Community Jam, coming up this Sunday, May 12 from 7:30-9pm. We will match all proceeds up to $1500 for God’s Love We Deliver, an organization very important to our student Gerlinde Gentzke-Leykam. We got the scoop from Gerlinde on this amazing program and what you can do to support it!
What is God’s Love We Deliver?
God’s Love We Deliver provides nutrition therapy, and cooks and home delivers medically tailored meals for people living with severe illness in the New York City metropolitan area. We are a non-sectarian organization. All of our services are provided free to clients and full of love.
How did you get involved with GLWD?
Whole Foods Market and God’s Love We Deliver partnered for the PRIDE parade – it was while I was working at Whole Foods and helping to construct our float that I found out about this amazing organization. My 16-year-old goddaughter came to visit in 2013 and we went to volunteer in God’s Love’s kitchen and lend our hands to the efforts. In November 2015, I started working at God’s Love in the Volunteer Department. This is my third year leading our AIDS Walk team, happening Sunday May 19th 2019, and there is still time to join our team!
Why is it important to support GLWD?
Being sick and hungry is a crisis. We make and deliver medically tailored meals to over 7,000 individuals who are too sick to shop and cook for themselves. Supporting God’s Love ensures that our clients continue to receive our services.
Every client speaks to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist on staff who designs their menu and provides them with unlimited nutrition education and counseling.
We provide all our services free to clients, regardless of income. People who are sick should not have to forfeit good nutrition due to lack of finances.
Because we believe the combination of hunger and serious illness is a crisis, we deliver food within the first week of being contacted.
What is your apparatus of choice, and how did you get discover it?
Lyra is my apparatus of choice but I love pole too! I discovered both at Body & Pole.
How did you get discover Body & Pole? Can you share a bit about the studio and what it means to you?
I am an avid yoga practitioner and discovered Body & Pole while practicing at Yoga to the People, which shares the same address. My friend Giovanni and I were waiting for our friend to finish class and decided to pop into Body & Pole for a quick tour. We took our first Intro to Pole class in May 2014 and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve developed muscles and strength which I never knew existed. Every instructor at Body &Pole is amazing and the training is top notch. There is something here for everyone. My favorite classes are INVERTable, Core Aerial, and Flex. I am 38 years old and able to do a handstand for the first time in my life. I am thrilled with the kindness, compassion, and generosity of the studio to help me reach my AIDS WALK fundraising goals for the God’s Love We Deliver team this year!