

So, I just took part in my first pole competition! I competed in Polesque, one of the more artistic pole competitions in the industry.

I have never been interested in competing and thought I never would. However, I know that without a clear goal to work towards it’s easy for me to become stagnant in my training and get distracted by all the other components of life. I also realized that because I am a freestyler, I lean very heavily on it and freestyle all of my performances. I wanted to challenge myself, and though I did not win, I met all of goals, gave a great show, trained much more than previously. I even included some choreography in my performance (not all of it, though, because who are we kidding?)

Below are five reasons why you should consider performing or competing, that I personally discovered while I was training:

¥ Extend beyond your comfort zone: You never know what you are capable of until you try! It’s when we challenge ourselves that we grow and evolve.

¥ Push yourself: You want to be the best you that you can be. Knowing that you will be performing in front of other people will make you push yourself in new and exciting ways.

¥ It makes you aware of all your choices: It forces you to think more intentionally about your lifestyle in general, (are you staying out late, are you giving your body all it needs – rest, nutritious food – how much are drinking, etc.)?

¥ You feel confident and proud: You did a thing! A thing that was also probably hard & scary, but you did it! And your friends and family are all proud of the thing! Hopefully, at this point you celebrate by eating all the junk food you probably weren’t while training.

Extended Edition: I’ve also heard people say that they compete just to get the great video and photos, that’s also a very valid reason!

Whatever the reason is, pushing yourself to perform, in any capacity, can be rewarding and if you feel like a superhero pole or aerial star afterwards!