With the first ever Body & Pole retreat quickly approaching here are just four (of many!) reasons why investing in a weekend retreat is totally worth the money.
Check out this walk-through video of the incredible space where you will be taking all of your classes with Kyra Johannesen & Brenna Bradbury!
1. You’ll relax and de-stress.
Sometimes we have to be far from home to give ourselves the permission to truly relax. New York can drive a person crazy. Being on a retreat allows you to listen to your body, train, AND rest, and be free from stress.
2. You’ll make new friends or deepen the friendships you already have.
You will meet people with are also passionate about the aerial arts. Retreats give you a chance to make friends with people from around the studio (and maybe the country or world) that you might know for the rest of your life.
3. You’ll eat well without having to do all the work.
That’s what Chef Kelly and Lumière, Phil Evans are for! Your job is just to train, be fabulous in a beautiful estate and decompress. You will get three healthy and delicious meals a day without the need to find recipes, go grocery shopping, prepare the food, or clean up. You get all the nutrition without any of the work.
4. Because you deserve it!
Thoreau said: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” While this quote might be familiar (may even be on your refrigerator) it’s likely that you’ve made excuses about why you can’t YET. Often, the excuse is about the lack of time, money, or circumstances. But guess what? You deserve a break. You work hard for a reason and you can always find reasons why you should or should not do something. The key to happiness is deciding what you really want, and making it happen. No excuses.
There are two different ways to be involved in the camp. You can either spend the entire weekend there including lodging, food, and activities, or just spend the daytime hours taking classes! The retreat is being held from Friday, October 7th – Sunday, October 9th.