



… Nasty, sexy, sensual and fun!


– Floorwerk
– Intro to Pole
– Pole Level 1
– Low Flow Heels


With every lesson, I provide a technical foundation, space for exploration and connection to the self. I also emphasize body care via balanced training. I strive to provide a safe space for people to express all the parts of themselves, including their sexual side — I stand for sexual empowerment!

It is my goal to show you how good it can feel to move, fully accepting yourself in all your fabulous glory. I believe you are strong and beautiful! I am here to help you move freely and express your sensual and sexual self.

Stella My Bella is a certified pole dance instructor, former Body & Pole Work-Study and personal trainer. Stella has competed in Polesque, was a featured performer for AERA, and has performed for Flight Club NYC. Stella discovered pole dancing in 2007 via the internet. Completely self motivated and initially self taught, Stella installed a pole in her bedroom and started learning from YouTube and instructional pole fitness DVD’s. Although Stella has accomplished a lot on her own, it was not until she started training at Body & Pole that she was inspired to reach new heights as a dancer, athlete, and instructor.

Before pole dancing, Stella was searching for that perfect outlet to unleash her creative energy, but it was not until after college, graduate school, and a full time job as an engineer, that Stella found what she was meant to do. Pole dance has been the most satisfying form of art and movement Stella has ever found, pushing her to achieve things she could never have thought possible before.

With over two years of pole fitness instructor experience, Stella is very honored and proud to now be an instructor at Body & Pole.

To book a private lesson with Stella, please email info@bodyandpole.com.